Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail visit Facebook Headquarters


Facebook, the social media company with over 1 billion users worldwide recently invited the pupils of Gaelscoil Lios Tuathail to visit their European HQ.

‘With a national focus on STEM in education at the moment, we decided that it was a fantastic opportunity for the children’ says principal, Seana Ni Chuain

Pupils were intrigued by the range of perks at work. The free ice cream station was a big hit and the teachers got their caffeine fix from the in-house barista. Pupils learned about how Facebook helps countries with no internet access, give back to the local community and develop software to help blind and deaf people. The children really enjoyed trying out Augmented Reality. Students learned how some Irish brands target age groups or special interest groups to help brands to grow and sell their wares.

Pupils were treated to a free lunch – the theme for lunch was South Africa so many south African dishes and desserts were tried and tested and this was a whole other experience.

We looked at the architecture of the building, and the interior design. There was a duvet to absorb sound the length of six floors and the children carried out experiments to see how the sound was absorbed. There was an example of a data centre which was spectacular as well as interactive screens highlighting different aspects of the business.
Pupils loved the idea of chill out zones throughout the building, and opportunities to unwind or exercise in the gym, art studio or multipurpose room which held exercise classes and musical instruments.

One pupil commented ‘I can’t remember what my dreams were yesterday, all I know is now all I want to do is work here.’