North Kerry Hub to Commence this Saturday


We are pleased to announce the foundation and Inaugural meeting of the North Kerry Hub – Ireland will take place in the Listowel Family Resource Centre on Saturday 22nd April from 10am to 4pm.

Byron Jenkins and the Crew from the Hub – Ireland Headquarters in Dublin will be present to do confidential one to one clinics in privacy and answer questions and concerns in ref to any bank / mortgage difficulties including and all the way through the Court process.
There will be seminars on the day explaining the Courts process, how to deal with Courts documents, and people who have been through the court process will tell of their experiences.

There is no charge to attending the North Kerry Hub like all branches of the Hub Ireland, it is totally free and rely on donations on the day to cover costs.
The Hub – Ireland through its members vast experience in this area have built a knowledge base that can be of tremendous benefit to anybody in Mortgage Distress.
For more information contact Brian Dubrow 0876509976