A Farewell to Poetry


By Gabriel Fitzmaurice

“Fitzmaurice is one of the last of the tribal bards, a poet in and of his own kind.” Fintan O’Toole

This book is a collection of the best of a lifetime of writing by one of Ireland s most prodigious poets and one of the great characters of the Irish arts, Gabriel Fitzmaurice. Selected by the poet himself, the book includes a rigorous selection from his poems for both adults and children, poems in the Irish language and his translations from Irish. The book is dedicated to the poet s friend, singer Kris Kristofferson and the foreward is written by Fintan O Toole, literary editor of The Irish Times. The poet has declared this is his final book, hence the title A Farewell to Poetry. The job is done, he says. In the words of Saint Paul: I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.