For now, the summer festivals of pride in Ireland and abroad will not be unfolding the colour & support that has longed served the people of LGBT Identity.

Pride festivals are known for there beautiful collaboration of music, colour, creativity, and collaboration of friendships and overall a very great time & continuity. The festivals are spread throughout the world. The reason I say this, is sadly that there are people who still believe that choosing to identify as LGBT is optional. My experience is the complete opposite. The very nature of my identity as lesbian almost killed me. It was a long battle and fight to accept. Society made it in my experience deeply wounding.

However, I was fortunate enough to have a family and some especially important friends that held me when I could not hold myself. In truth I tell you I will forever be grateful for the support I got. I was lucky. Pride was a place I could go every summer that allowed me to interact with others that identified just as I had. Pride was so exciting and inviting as its full of hope and togetherness that is full of simply amazingly fabulous people. As we are now in uncertain times and pride festivals are at a stand for now, we do not forget those who may have been waiting all year to get there. If this is you then breath as I trust it will return and as I know for now there are lots of connections online, incorporating the festival itself online. Virtual pride (wow) another experiences to engage with. These can be located on www.pride festival The LGBT Website will offer many & much information also. The festivals will include Kerry, Limerick, Cork, Waterford, Dublin, Belfast. As good citizens in this changing world we can look at the glass half full or half empty.

I have promised myself to look at it half full where I can when I can. The very reason I have written this is because I am offering the glass half full at this time. There are young people in rural areas and in built up towns who are so very isolated and alone because of there identity. There are also grown adults in the very same situation. It is sincerely heart-breaking for those who are alone in their feelings. It is equally sincerely sad that we still live in a world that will stop people from being who they want to be. Society will and still is powerfully stamping its foot in a manner of unacceptance. People need to be brave and courageous and not fall at the unacceptance of another, we get one shot at life its important that we individually get a civil chance to be free without hurting anyone as we go.

To those who still have stigma in the realm of homophobic attitude, I for one ask you to keep it. Its yours so own it. It is not yours to offer out to those who get damaged and more seriously lose their very existence because of it. To those who still are afraid and carry shame, I ask the god within me and others for hope & faith that you be free. You have a place in this world that you claim it.
With spiritual intentions to all walks of life let the festivities begin no matter who you are.

“If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone that falls and has no one to help them up”. Ecclesiastes 4:10

Written by Fidelma Fitzgerald – The Philomena Dramatics