Good Friday Walk in Aid of Kerry Hospice


The Kerry Hospice Foundation series of Good Friday Walks have become a part of many Kerry communities for over 20 years. Sadly, because of all the restrictions, we were unable to have the walks anywhere last year. Now, a year later, we are still facing the same issues, so we have decided to do something different.

We are asking you to dust off the walking shoes and take to the streets, highways and byways of Kerry, once again. We need to continue the tradition of the Good Friday Walk this Easter, but with a twist. Since we cannot come together to walk together in the real world, we want you to do a real walk with a virtual group. 
This year, we hope you will join us by doing your Good Friday walk in the safety of your 5km radius, and by adhering to all the government guidelines. The other difference is that this walk can be done anytime, starting on St Patrick’s Day and finishing on Good Friday, April 2nd. We are calling it the Long Good Friday Walk. You can walk in memory of a loved one. 

The Good Friday walks are always greatly supported county wide every year. As a collection bucket is not possible this year, we have set up a donation page on iDonate, which you can access through our social media outlets and our website, where you can make a donation. For those of you who cannot access this page you can make a donation by contacting your local branch.

So why not take part in what is now tradition, in your local area, making sure to adhere to social distancing and staying within your 5km? Why not share your walk by sending in your picture or by tagging us on social media?
Remember, all funds that are raised by Kerry Hospice stay in Kerry. We at the Kerry Hospice Foundation are very proud of that fact. All fundraisers are volunteers. We are currently entering year 3 of our 5 year pledge, in which we have to raise close on €500,000 annually. These funds go to aid in the running costs of the Inpatient Unit, the Day Unit and the services that they provide. It also helps to fund the wonderful Home Care Services. 
To make an online donation, please use our special page on 
You can also donate directly to local Kerry Hospice volunteers.

Listowel: Mary O Connor: 0872370766 and Eileen Sheehy 0879865275. Tarbert: Mary O Connell: 0879584322 and Mary Kelly: 0876296882. Ballybunion: Sylvia O Sullivan: 0877952678