Tarbert Receive €30,000 to Improve It’s Streetscape


Last Monday David Martin and Sean Kenny of EirGrid presented a cheque for a
community gain grant of €30,000 to Suzanne Harrison, Treasurer, Tarbert Development Association to improve the town’s streetscape following recent works by Eirgrid. The
funding is part of EirGrid’s community gain initiative and is an acknowledgement of the
disruption caused by works during the construction of a new electricity substation at Kilpadogue, near Tarbert. The €30,000 will go towards funding the undergrounding of overhead utility wires in the town. Also in photo are Sean Kenny, EirGrid, Joan Murphy, TDA, John Fox, TDA and Andy Smith, Kerry County Council. Photo Don MacMonagle

Joan Murphy, chairperson of the Tarbert Development Association, said: “Visually, the funding will result in a huge improvement to the streetscape and remove the clutter of wires that spoils our town at present.
“Tarbert is on the Wild Atlantic Way and we strive to make the place more attractive to locals and visitors by carrying out works that improve the visual aspect of the area. Our sincere gratitude goes to EirGrid for supporting this very worthwhile project.”

Overhead wires on Chapel Street, the Square and Main Street will be placed in
underground ducts. The work is part of the Urban Design Framework for Tarbert that was prepared on behalf of the association. The framework is intended to help guide the future sustainable development, upgrade, refurbishment and growth of the town.

David Martin, external communications at EirGrid, said: “We are delighted to fund these important works. Over the years, Tarbert Development Association has done a
tremendous job for the town.”