Call for nominations for the Lee Strand/Kerry Garda Youth Achievement Awards 2019


The Lee Strand/Kerry Garda Youth Achievement Awards 2019 was officially launched on Friday, November 8th in Tralee Garda Station. The awards are held for youths between the ages of thirteen and twenty one years and recognise the great contribution young people have made and continue to make to their communities in Kerry. The awards will be presented at a celebratory awards ceremony in the Ballyroe Heights Hotel, Tralee on Friday, January 24th, 2020.

This year twenty Merit Awards will be presented to individuals who have made a positive contribution to their community and make it a better place to live. A Group Award will also be presented to groups of two or more people who have made an impact to their community. The Special Achievement Award will be presented to an individual who has overcome difficult circumstances, has defied all the odds and whose commitment deserves recognition. A Community Safety Award will be presented to an individual who through crime prevention or a safety initiative/innovation has made their community a safer place to live. The Overall Winner of the Lee Strand/Kerry Garda Youth Achievement 2019 will also be presented.

Chief Superintendent Eileen Foster stated “It is so important to recognise that the youth of this country are the future and they have something to say and that we within an Garda Síochána should be prepared to listen too.  It is important to recognise their excellence in the area of sports, arts, culture, charity or caring for a relative or friend. The awards have a positive effect on our wider community and I would like to extend our appreciation and thanks to Lee Strand for their continued sponsorship and support over the past 22 years.”

John O’Sullivan, General Manager, Lee Strand stated “Lee Strand has a strong commitment to supporting initiatives within the local community and we are delighted to support the Kerry Garda Youth Achievement Awards since 1998. The awards provide a great opportunity to celebrate and recognise the achievements of the young people of Kerry, who have made a positive impact within their local community.”  

The closing date for receipt of nominations is Monday, December 9th, 2019. Any member of the public can nominate a young person whom they feel has made a contribution to their local area. Nominations are accepted from individuals, community and voluntary groups, schools and youth clubs/organisation. The winners will be selected by a panel of judges who are community volunteers from around the county under the chairmanship of Chief Superintendent Eileen Foster, An Garda Síochána. Nominations are available from any Garda Station in Kerry; K.D.Y.S. Office in Tralee, Killarney and Listowel or by contacting Tralee Garda Station on 066 7102311. Nomination forms are also available to download on

Pictured: Kayleigh Williams, Eabha Murphy, John Banuta and Sarah Cantolin all from Tralee pictured at the Lee Strand/Kerry Garda Youth Achievement Awards 2019 officially launched at Tralee Garda Station.
Photo By Domnick Walsh – Eye Focus LTD – – 087 2672033