Caroline’s dóTerra Essential Oils


I am a dóTerra Wellness Advocate and I started my journey with dóTerra essential oils a couple of months ago. Since then, these powerful essential oils have changed my mindset, my mood and has had an uplifting effect in our family home.

The dóTerra essential oils are a natural solution to care for our family’s health needs and improve our Wellbeing. They can help support us in many of the following that we experience from time to time:
• Anxiety Issues
• Digestive Support
• Sleep, Muscle Care
• Stress, Allergies
• Energy Boost
• Skin Support
• Immunity and so much more.
The oils can be used in three different ways; Topically – massaged on to our skin with or without a carrier oil, Aromatically – placing a few drops into a cold water diffuser or Internally – by adding them to your favorite food and drinks, or simply under the tongue.
Having Trouble Sleeping?
This week’s essential oil we are discussing is dóTerra’s Lavender oil, which is widely known for its ability to promote a relaxing atmosphere that leads to a restful night’s sleep. By adding a few drops of this essential oil to your pillows, bedding and applying to the bottoms of the feet, it will aid you in relaxation for a better night’s sleep.

Lavender will also calm the emotions and is a powerful essential oil when taken orally for anyone who suffers from panic attacks. It is also known as the ‘Soothing Oil’ and soothes irritated skin, stings, and burns. dóTerra’s Lavender oil is every mother’s dream to relieve baby teething pain and works wonders on nappy rash. I love using this dóTerra essential oil in my mascara,as it’s excellent to promote hair growth!

Check us out on Facebook / Instagram for more details @Carolinesdoterraessentialoils

Your thought for the Week; Happiness is a Journey… Not a Destination!