Cllr. Mike Kennelly delighted to welcome Funding through Community Support Fund


Councillor Mike Kennelly as Mayor of the Listowel Municipal Area is very pleased to propose and announce the successful Community Groups in obtaining crucial funding through the Kerry County Council Community Support Fund.

KCC offers financial support to Community based projects and initiatives in North Kerry. Our primary focus is the development and promotion of our area that will benefit your area. The Criteria this year was.
1. Rebuilding and Creating Communities.
2. Community Tidy Towns Initiatives and Amenity Projects.
3. Community Economic Innovation
4. Community Based Tourism, Festivals and Events.

With this KCC had nearly €78,000 to allocate. The Community Support groups and organisations continue for face unprecedented difficulties as a result of Covid19. These group have been unable to operate properly for some time now and is having a significent impact on their ability to generate income to meet costs.

Congratulations to all the Voluntary Groups across North Kerry. Cllr. Mike Kennelly