Launch night for PIP (Personal Information Pack)


The launch of PIP (Personal Information Pack) by Muintir Na Tire took place Friday 26th of May in Knockanure Community Centre. PIP includes a form for your personal and medical information, a sticker for you window at home or in your car. This alerts first responders, ambulance crew, fire services and Gardaí to vital information in the case of an emergency. In attendance on the night was the Gardaí, Fire crew, paramedics and CFR’s. 

Knockanure Valley Txt Alert also presented an AED to N/E Kerry community first responders, which is situated in Kilmorna.  PIP is now available for purchase €5 per bottle, contact Danny Winter (087) 686 3726.

Thank you to all who attended on the night, your support is appreciated. 
Pictured left to right: Sgt. Paula Kelliher, Maurice Enight (fire service) Diarmuid Cronin (Muintir Na Tire), Danny Winter, Brian Kiely, David Twomey (fire service), Declan Hallet (Gardaí).
Front: Triona Harding, Raquelle Griffin (paramedic) and Eoin Gilmore. 

N/E Kerry Community First Responders Group (CFR) are looking to train people in the Listowel town and surrounding areas. Training takes place in Knockanure Community Centre.
If interested please contact Danny Winter (087) 686 3726