Limited Time remaining to become Life Member of Lixnaw GAA


Lixnaw Hurling Club, founded in 1888 plays an integral part of community life in Lixnaw. The Club has provided sport and physical activity for generations of young and not so young people over the past 128 years. The club has been the lifeblood for many people throughout the parish.

The last 12 months has seen the development of Hermitage Park. Over the years it had become apparent that the drainage system was not adequate and as a result the playing season had been reduced considerably. To address this issue the club formed a Field Development Committee to develop the playing pitch and further improvement work.

Since February 2017 a sand carpet pitch has been installed  and the  existing playing area has been widened along with a new boundary fence erected. There is still work to be carried out erecting fencing, laying footpaths around the perimeter of the playing field and volunteers would be welcome to give a hand. We meet every Monday evening  at 7pm.

The Club has received a Sports Capital Grant towards the development. To address
the shortfall on the total cost, the Club has launched a fundraiser offering a limited number of Life Memberships at a cost of €500.00.

The Field Development Committee have been overwhelmed with the respons e as over 75 people have signed up to the Life Membership already.

The benefits of Life Membership  includes
•    Life Membership of Lixnaw Hurling Club
•     A memorial plaque with the name of the Life Members will be displayed in the     Clubhouse.
•    Entry To Munster, All Ireland Hurling and Football Draws
•    Entry To Life Members Draw

The Closing Date for this Life Membership is 31st August 2017. For further information please contact Willie on 087 9830306  or Martin on 087 6240781