Listowel Tidy Towns Presentation of Artistic Pieces to 2016 Best Shopfront Winners


The winners were presented with their prizes of commissioned artistic pieces on December 16th in St Patrick’s Hall in Upper William Street.
The winner of the 2016  Best Public Building was St Patrick’s Hall itself! The prize of a wonderfully executed creation by local artist Micheal Kelleher was sponsored by Sean Heaphy of Spar Express / Spar Market Street and presented to the very happy committee by Listowel Tidy Towns Chairperson Kieran Moloney in Sean’s absence.

The 2016 Best Overall Building was O’Connor’s Pharmacy & Options on Market Street. Jerry was delighted with his prize of a beautiful framed painting of his recently redecorated building by Ballylongford artist Betty Enright. This was sponsored by the Listowel Municipal Area Council and presented by Cllr. Jimmy Moloney. The Best Commercial Building for 2016 was Changes Hair & Beauty on Church Street. Proprietor Danny Russell was thrilled with his prize of an artistic piece created by talented local artist Amy Sheehy. This was sponsored by long time supporters of this competition, J.J.Galvin & Son and was presented by John Galvin himself. A wonderful evening was enjoyed by all those who attended the event and the delicious food and wine generously supplied by Garvey’s SuperValu who continuously support Listowel Tidy Towns in so many other ways also,was heartily enjoyed. Also a big  thank you to the Committee of St Patricks Hall for letting us use their now ‘Prize Winning’ building to hold the event.

Listowel Tidy Towns Group wish to extend a sincere ‘Thank You’ to all their sponsors of this and the many other projects and events they take on each year. Without this support and  input Listowel could  not have preformed as well as it has over the past couple of years.  We also thank the talented artists who accepted the task of producing such splendid pieces.  Huge Congratulations to all of the winners. Listowel is blessed with an abundance of fine shopfronts lovingly maintained by the vast majority of their owners. This makes the judges job harder each year but also adds to Listowel’s overallmarks in the National Tidy Towns Competition! Keep up the good work.

A happy and healthy New Year to you all and working together lets make 2017 Listowel’s best yet!