Locals Opposing Wind Turbines at Ballinagare Bog


A planning application has been submitted to Kerry County Council to erect seven 170 metre high wind turbines on Ballinagare Bog between Lixnaw and Ballyduff villages. The turbines will be approximately 6 times the height of the Rattoo Round Tower.

This will impact on the habitat of the local wildlife: the whooper swans that overwinter there every year, hen harrier, curlews and the possibility of pollution of the salmon rivers Brick and Feale.

Environmentalists state that the preservation of peatlands and boglands and their sequestration of carbon is an important contribution to prevent climate change
Kerry already provides nearly 20% of all wind energy produced in Ireland while having only 3% of the population.
Objections to this application must be submitted to Kerry Council by 26th January, accompanied by a fee of €20, quoting planning number 211441
We can be contacted via our facebook page ‘Stop the Ballinagare Windfarm’ or by email at ballinagareeenviromental@gmail.com.

We would appreciate your support to prevent this development.