The Comórtas Díospóireachta an Phiarsaigh is a nationwide debating competition organised by Gael-Linn for English Medium Post-Primary schools. The competition is organised each year to promote the use of Irish in secondary schools and among young people.
Presentation Secondary School Listowel competed in the regional final on February 20th in the CastleTroy Hotel Limerick. Fifth year students Aoibh Lennon, Noelle Dillon and Síne Fogarty opposed the motion that additional tax should be applied to online shopping. Aoibh argued that current government policies deter businesses from trading in towns and cities due to issues such as increasing rents and energy costs. Noelle argued that online shopping ensures the survival of small businesses in rural areas, Gaeltacht areas and small towns around Ireland. Finally, Síne argued that applying additional tax to online shopping will not work as a long term solution and a campaign to support Irish businesses and products would encourage people to buy Irish and buy local.
The girls are now through to the All-Ireland Semi final which will take place later this month