Tarbert Remember Perished 17 Locals


15th August 1893 – 15th August 2019
126 years ago seventeen (17) local people lost their lives to the Shannon Estuary.
After a short inter-denominational Service of Remembrance at the Tarbert Plaza on the 15th August 2019 a wreath was laid at the Memorial to honour their memory. The group then walked in the footsteps of the seventeen to Mulalley’s berth – from where the boat left Tarbert on Tuesday 15th August 1893.

They remembered all seventeen by name, all different in so many ways, mostly young people on a care-free day out across the Shannon to Kilrush in Co. Clare.

In the photo back: Fergal Ward, Patsy O’Shea, Gabriel McNamara. Front: Rev Patrick Comerford, Fr. Michael Hussey, Donal O’Connor, Winnie Carrig, Teddy Griffin and his Grandson Daithí.