New walking guides for the Tarbert and Ballylongford Heritage Trails have been launched with the support of Kerry County Council. The guidebooks were officially launched by Siobhán King of Fáilte Ireland at the Kerry County Council Listowel Municipal District offices in Listowel. Members and staff of Kerry County Council and representatives of Ballylongford Tidy Towns and Tarbert Development Association were in attendance.

Ms King complimented both groups on the standard and quality of the brochures which are aimed at both locals and visitors and which are now available in local outlets.

The Cathaoirleach of Listowel Municipal District, Cllr Aoife Thornton, welcomed the groups and stated that there is no doubt that the Wild Atlantic Way is delivering a huge increase in visitor numbers to the west of Ireland. She commended the two groups for their initiative and said these are two fine examples of projects funded through Kerry County Council’s Community Support Fund which are adding to the visitor experience in the area.

Listowel Municipal District Manager, Joan McCarthy, thanked the groups for their hard work in researching, designing, printing and circulating the brochures. She also said that it is very important that communities work together to sell what is on offer in North Kerry, to help ensure visitors are made well aware of all that is on offer and to entice them to stay a night or two in the area.

Ballylongford have also recently added a very high quality app to complement their brochure.

Pictured: Councillors, Kerry County Council staff and representatives of the Ballylongford and Tarbert Heritage Trails with Siobhán King of Fáilte Ireland at the launch of new walking guides for their areas