Addressing the Personal Challenges of COVID-19


by Tom Griffin

Yesterday a friend of mine likened the coronavirus to the sea monster; Leviathan. We do not see him but he could be lurking around underwater, ready to surface anytime. If this is so, it will shape the way we live for the rest of our lives.

Put simply, our lives are shaped by how we see ourselves, others, the world, life and God. During this time of crisis, and that is how this pandemic presents, we have all adapted or not as the case may be, to what suddenly came to our doorstep. Whether you see the government regulations as the big bad wolf leading to a new global political platform, or just take them at face value as mere safety measures, one thing for sure is that it has impacted the life of every person on this planet.

So how have we, or you, been impacted by the presence of COVID-19 and its subsequent lockdown, social distancing and cocooning measures? Some have pulled themselves up by the bootstraps and just got on with it.

Others have found it extremely difficult to cope, whether because of the death of a loved one, fear of dying, being alone, financial loss or missing contact. Now that we are re-emerging, how are we different? How do we relate differently? Typically, people become more conservative, compliant, individualistic and less sociable.

For some, old patterns of inwardly closing down has become the norm. Hopelessness, anxiety and depression are on the increase. However, this has not been the case for all. Others have valued the extra time for reflection, appreciating nature, doing something creative, or spending more time with close family. For most, it has been a combination of both the positive and the negative aspects. Coming out of this season may be unexpectedly challenging or different. Someone mentioned to me that in visiting a city recently, they felt the buildings were closing in on them. This is a normal response coming from a place of lockdown.

So how can we begin to get a handle on the personal impact of COVID-19? True Colours Psychotherapy which is based in Ballybunion have created a deliberate space this summer to accommodate the challenges you may be going through. An essential ingredient in moving forward is not to steam ahead but to intentionally look at the process of how this curveball has impacted you and how you see yourself, others and life differently. Perhaps you fear the re-surfacing of your personal leviathans. Having the space to look at such questions may prove to be a valuable resource.

For further information or to book a place on “The Challenges of Covid-19”, details can be found at Tom Griffin, Psychotherapist. Email: