Sunday 15th August 2021 – Due to Covid 19 restrictions the Annual Service of Remembrance for the seventeen local people lost in the ‘Shannon Drowning’ on the 15th August 1893 will again not take place this year.
Instead, members of the Kilnaughtin Graveyard Committee will lay a wreath at the Memorial Plaza at 12.15pm on Sunday 15th August 2021. They will then continue to walk to Mullally’s Berth to remember those lost and their families. Observance to all the Public Health restrictions and guidelines will be strictly adhered to at all times.
In the photo are Donal O’Connor (iconic local storyteller) and Patsy O’Connell (Chairperson of the Kilnaughtin Graveyard Committee) at Mullally’s Berth on the 15th August 2020.
So long as we live, they too shall live, as we remember them