Kerry Co. Co. announced this week that €61,000 has been allocated to Community Groups & Projects in the Listowel Municipal Area. This is the third year of this fund, which helps communities enhance their area. Below is a list of the projects that were successful. A further fund of €50,000 is also set aside, which can be co-funded through the Leader Programme and these projects will be known by the end of April 2017.
Abbeydorney Development Committee: €2000
Shannow Family Resource Centre: €500
Killehenny Heritage Historical & Ares Society: €1000
Ballybunion Active Retirement: €500
Ballybunion Community Centre Ltd: €1000
Ballybunion Community Forum (MOYA sub- committee): €1400
Ballybunion Community Forum CLG: €1000
Ballybunion Men’s Shed: €500
Ballybunion Tidy Towns: €1000
Ballybunion Wildcats Basketball Club: €450
North Kerry Environmental Forum Ass.: €1000
Women in Media: €1000
Ballyduff Active Retirement: €250
Ballyduff Boxing Club: €750
Ballyduff Festive Lighting Committee: €500
Ballyduff In Bloom: €1000
Ballyduff Ladies Football: €450
Ballyduff Mens Shed: €500
Ballyheigue History & Heritage Group: €500
Ballyheigue Inshore Rescue Service: €500
Ballyheigue Pattern Thresher Group: €500
Ballyheigue Social Economy Enterprises Ltd: €500
Ballyheigue Strand Horse & Pony Racing Committee: €500
Ballyheigue Summer Festival: €2000
Ballylongford Boat Club: €500
Ballylongford Christmas Lights Projects Group: €500
Ballylongford Tidy Towns: €1000
Duagh Sports & Leisure Complex Ltd: €500
Finuge Freewheelers Cycling Club: €450
Finuge GAA Club: €450
Finuge Tidy Towns Committee: €1000
Finuge/ St. Senans Ladies Football Club: €250
The Sean McCarthy Memorial Weekend: €500
Kilflynn Area Development CLG: €550
Kilflynn Community Together: €1000
Kilflynn Enchanted CLG:€1000
Kilmoyley Community Care Centre€650
Ballydonoghue Community Centre Alert: €500
KDYS: €350
Listowel Pitch & Putt Club: €500
Lios Tuathail A.C.: €450
Glor Na Gael: €600
Kerry Writers’ Museum: €1000
Listowel & District Historical Society: €500
Listowel Military Tattoo Ltd: €1250
Listowel Panissieres France Town Twinning: €500
Listowel Tidy Towns Group: €2500
Listowel Writers’ Week: €7500
Revival Music Festival: €1500
St Patrick Hall Committee: €500
Toastmasters Area 36: €250
Listowel Celtic A.F.C.: €450
Listowel Community Centre: €500
Listowel Family Resource Centre Ltd: €500
Listowel Rugby Football Club: €450
Ceolann- Lixnaw Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann: €1500
Fís Na hOige Productions: €700
Lixnaw Community Centre: €1500
Lixnaw Development Ass.: €1000
Knockanure Development Ass.: €1500
Moyvane Development Ass.: €1000
Tarbert Development Ass.: €1000
Jigsaw Kerry: €500
Kerry Sustainable Energy Co-Operative Society Ltd.: €100
Listowel Municipal District Kerry Comhairle na nOg: €150
Cork/Kerry Link Bus: €1500
Kerry Music Generation: €2500
Kerry Women Writers Network: €100
Transition Kerry: €500