New Day Service for Stroke patients to be piloted in Listowel and Tralee in November 2018


A new pilot Stroke Day Service, providing nursing and physiotherapy supports to people recovering from a stroke has been launched in Listowel and Tralee. The one day a week service will deliver a six-week programme and is now open for referrals.
Led by Ard Chúram Day Care Centre in Listowel and Baile Mhuire Day Care Centre for Older Persons, Tralee, with the support of the HSE, the service will offer clients additional supports to help them through the rehabilitation process after a stroke.

Brian Carmody, himself a former stroke patient and who now runs the only voluntary stroke support service in Kerry, said: “This is the best news I have heard in a long time. I had my stroke 12 years ago and at that time once you were out of the hospital and finished with the treatment, there was no support. Now we have a service that will help stroke sufferers here in Kerry. It’s vital for them and their families to have a place to go and meet fellow stroke sufferers and get expert help for all of us who have suffered a stroke. It’s important to let them know that they are not alone or isolated anymore with this new Stroke Support service in Kerry.”

People availing of the service will receive physiotherapy, nursing care and other allied professionals inputs, peer support and can avail of physical and mental stimulation programmes, morning tea and a midday meal.

Chairpersons Paddy Garvey of Baile Mhuire and Tom Pierse of Ard Chúram said: “We are delighted to be leading this new service in Kerry. Both groups are grateful to the HSE for supporting this service which was identified by the Kerry Stroke Support Group. When a person survives a stroke, it’s not only their life that may be turned upside down, it’s their family and those closest to them who are also affected. There can often be an impact on people’s capacity to access services to promote their rehabilitation. We are confident that the new Stroke Day Service in Tralee and Listowel will be a success and of immense
benefit to all stroke survivors. It is our hope we will demonstrate the effectiveness and value for money of this community-based approach and that similar projects will be developed in other areas.”

Both Chairpersons would like to acknowledge the support of staff and management in both HSE Community Services and University Hospital Kerry as well as the National Office for Service Improvement of Older People.

The Stroke Day Service will commence in November and it will operate one day a week in Ard Chúram Day Care Centre, Listowel on Mondays and in Baile Mhuire Day Care Centre for Older Persons, Tralee on Fridays from 10am to 3pm in both locations. For more information about the new Stroke Day Service in Tralee, contact Rose at 066 7123373 or in Listowel, contact Louise at 068 22986.

Pictured L-R: Louise Harnett Ard Chúram Day Care Centre in Listowel, Rose Daly Baile Mhuire Day Care Centre for Older Persons Tralee, Dr Richard Liston UHK, Suzanne Griffin Stroke Nurse UHK, Aidan Kelly Baile Mhuire, Finbarr Mawe Ard Chúram and Fergal Grimes UHK. Photo by Domnick Walsh – Eye Focus LTD – 087 / 2672033