Reconnecting with services for Older Persons Day


On Monday 23rd May NEWKD will be holding a fantastic day in Listowel for older people to reconnect.

This is a great opportunity for people to get out and meet people again, Covid has done a lot of damage and we are looking to reconnect our older persons again.
On the day there will be stands showcasing services such as
• Local community centers & Family resource centers in North Kerry,
• NEWKD services such as Home Visitation Service & Home Maintenance
• Ard Churam Day Care center,
• ICPOP, (Integrated Care Program for Older Persons
• Memory Technology Resource Room,
• Better bones better balance
• TFI Local Links Kerry
• Demonstration on the use of the Gym Equipment in the park
Tea & Coffees will be provided.
There will be chair aerobics and a few games to participate if you feel up to it.