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Presentation Listowel Awarded Top Prizes at SciFest

On Wednesday 1st May students from Presentation Secondary School Listowel attended the SciFest @ College competition in MTU Tralee. Emma Heaphy and Abbie Mazzelle...

Revival 2024


Massive Turn Out for Successful Memory Wellness & Dementia Awareness Evening

Dementia Inclusive Listowel was established in 2023, it is a collaboration between Ard Churam, the HSE, Voluntary and statutory agencies in Listowel, Retail sector,...

Listowel Credit Union reaches €20 Million Loan Book Milestone

Listowel Credit Union has offered safe, affordable financial services to its community since first opening in 1973, providing flexible loan products and secure savings...

Listowel Playground Upgrade

Following feedback in relation to the wear & tear of Listowel Playground from parents and community groups, we in the Listowel Business and Community...

Former Miss World Rosanna Davison and fashion designer Heidi Higgins to Judge Ladies Day...

Former Miss World, international model, and best-selling author Rosanna Davison, and award-winning top Irish fashion designer Heidi Higgins, were announced on Tuesday as the...

Cash is still king for many Kerry holiday goers, a new survey finds

A survey of Cara Credit Union members on holiday spending shows: • 40% purchased cash before a trip, making it the most popular payment method. • 92% purchase...

Causeway Comprehensive School welcomes New Deputy Principal

As the year academic year begins, Causeway CS is delighted to announce the appointment of Liam McGill as a second Deputy Principal to Causeway CS, joining Deputy Principal Jennifer Barry...

1 Year Anniversary of The Listowel Visual Artists’ Collective

Celebrate the ‘ONE’ Year Anniversary of The Listowel Visual Artists’ Collective with a Vibrant Art Exhibition in St. John’s Theatre and Arts Centre this...